Speaking Truth in Love
to my Children
If you are, In Christ, you are a new creature: old things are passed away , all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17
In this world, your self-image has been mostly based on your feelings, your perception of your family and their position in this world, the opinions of others, including those older than you or the sucess of your ability to use your gifts to perform or suceed in endeavors in life.
But ultimate reality is truth and that is, you are what God says you are, not what the world, your perception nor your failures say you are. Yet, this truth will only be realized as you understand and accept what God has done for you and created in you. God has chosen to include you in the fulfillment of His Divine destiny in you. Only by knowing and accepting the truth of His work in you will your real self-image be revealed.
The truth is, if you have accepted the work of Christ into your life, you are not merely the accumilation of your family heritage, your own human brokeness and your individual decisions, good or bad. But, in Christ, you are a new creature, a new creation, born not only of the flesh, but from above, by the Holy Spirit.
Your identity is no longer that of your human DNA or even your accomplishments or failures. Your identity is that of God and His nature, His gifts and His Kingdom. But again, your fulfillment of your true identity will be based on your knowledge, acceptence and cooperation with Holy Spirit's continued work in your life. And this comes through the Lord's Word, both written and spoken by Holy Spirit.
You have to choose which identity you are going to live by and walk out, your fallen, carnal and former identity or what God has done in and for you through Jesus . Only one will fulfill your eternal destiny and glorify your creator, redeemer and manifest His kingdom in you. Only God's declaration over you through the work of Christ is really your true identity. It is your Ultlimate Reality. Please learn who you are, In Christ. And choose to walk accordingly.
Jam Stil
So, you are feeling persecuted?
Sometimes we try to figure out issues in life which frustrate us by using the logic or philosophy that life is supposed to be fair. And based on this reasoning we think we do not deserve the treatment we sometimes get from others. The problem is, Life in this world is not fair. People are not always just. In fact, very seldom will we see what we think is fair come to past, especially toward us.
But, worst than that, we do not even see our own actions, attitudes and motivations which can add to the mix of unfairness we perceive. We judge others based on their behaviors but we judge ourselves based on what we think are our intentions. And we do not always correctly know them. We can deceive ourselves. That is why we need to ask God to show us Our heart, especially when dealing with others offenses.
Now, comes even a stronger truth. As bad, as selfish, as evil as the world is, there is one much worst. The enemy of God and the accuser of the family of God is not only unfair, but hates you because you are the creation of God and special to His heart. Then, even worst, if you are a Christian you are privileged to be not only the creation of God, but a child of God by the new birth of your spirit in Christ Jesus.
A part from all the injustice of life in this evil world and in addition to the mess we and others make of it through our own self-centeredness (our old nature to sin), we are the target of our enemy, the object of his bitterness and hatred toward God. It is not paranoia if someone is out to get you and there is. He is envious of you, as a child of God and picks on you because he can’t touch God. And he mainly uses others of the human type to do his bidding, many times outside their awareness they are being used.
The Bible says in Eph. 6:12, we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in this world, spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. So, that means this human instruments are not the enemy, they are not the one we need to get in confrontation with. They, like us are sometimes used to do wrong.
Yes, even we as a child of God can be manipulated as a vessel of wrong when we are not submitted to our Father in Heaven and/or when we are deceived by our own selfish desires to act or live like the rest of the world. But, praise God, we are forgiven and bless God, we have the authority to forgive others as well as ourselves when we see the truth.
In the Bible, James 1:2-4 tells us to count it all joy when we face various trials and temptations knowing the trying of our faith perfects patient and makes us mature in reflecting Christ. But we do not like trials, let alone temptations. It messes with our perfectionism and our pride. And we sure don’t want our faith tested. Yet the only way to overcome, to have victory in this life is through hearing, speaking and doing what the Lord says. No other response will eternally work out the manifestation of our salvation.
Jesus gives us the heavenly answer in Matt. 5:44 when he instructed us to love our enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despite fully use you or persecute you. If you are a Christian and are living a life reflecting Jesus, you will be persecuted. And even if you are not doing a very good job of reflecting His holiness and love, the enemy of your soul will still persecute you because you are sealed with the mark of God unto redemption. And he will try to do this through others, even without their knowledge of what is happening.
So, we must remember who we are in Christ and that the cost of serving Him in this world will be persecution. In John 15:18-20, Jesus said that if the world hated Him it would hate us afterward. And it was because we are not of this world that they hate us so much. We are of His Kingdom not of this worldly kingdom.
Acts 5:41 puts our goal in perspective when it reminds us that we should rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. That is, we are reminded who's we are when we are persecuted for righteousness sake.
Jam Stil